OWWA’s raffle item this year is a “Ship in a Bottle” by shipwright artist Jim Goodwin.

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The work shows the Pirate Brigantine Ranger, the flagship of Charles Vane from May 1718 to November 1718.
Jim Goodwin has been a geologist and an educator, but now devotes his time to preserving this maritime art form and giving demonstrations at museums and maritime festivals. Since his debut at Village Craftsmen and his workshops with the Ocrafolk School, Jim has been recognized both state-wide and nationally for his work. He spends many meticulous hours hand-crafting these items in a bottle. He also makes Lighthouses in a Bottle. Jim's Ships in Bottles are featured in "The Lovely Bones" a film based on the Best Selling novel by Alice Sebold.
Raffle tickets will be available when the fish house opens with a drawing to be held Labor Day!
All proceeds benefit the Ocracoke Working Watermen’s Association.